In the 7 years since finally knowing I was Autistic, there has been positive growth each year. Some years like 2020 have seen EXPLOSIVE growth!! This is what I call Quantum Leap growth.

Each of these quantum leap years have required something, breakthroughs.

A breakthrough is when you discover what has been getting in the way, what has been blocking you or holding you back.

You've spent a lifetime not knowing you were autistic. Not knowing that about yourself was holding you back. NOW you have that breakthrough info and there is MORE!!!

This is what I am here to help you with. This mastermind will help you find those next breakthroughs to have a quantum leap year in your autism journey.

Together we will craft your next 12 months to have your breakthrough, quantum leap year in your autsim journey with me as your guide. You are NOT alone.

Forget everything you've ever been told about planning for a new year and come with an open mind and an open heart willing to try something new.

This limited seating, small group master mind includes:

  • A one hour small group coaching session with me
  • A workbook with Parts 1 & 2 to use and follow along for this session and for next year (You are going to love this so much that you'll do it again every year)
  • Access to the replay so you can re-watch to get anything you may have missed or want to hear again and you can watch whenever you want
  • Q & A session to get your questions answered during the mastermind and because I know you probably think of questions afterward like I do, I am also giving you 30 days to ask me any follow up questions and I will personally answer via email.

Get your seat and all the goodness for your Quantum Leap Year!!

The price goes up to $47 on Jan. 4th.

Save $20 TODAY!